The Education Act of 1998 gives a legislative basis for the existence, recognition and purpose of a Parents’ and Guardians’ Association. It states that:
- Such an Association is the structure through which the parents/guardians in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children.
- The Association works with the Principal, staff and the Board of Management to build effective partnerships between home and school.
Educational research on the involvement of parents and guardians in schools shows that children achieve better outcomes when parents and teachers work together. In Curracloe National School, our Association is committed to fostering and strengthening this partnership and carries out its role with enthusiasm and professionalism for the betterment of the school and its students.
No matter how small their voice, each child is made to feel important, their voice is heard. It’s a small community so everyone knows each other and looks out for each other.
Edel Moran Secretary
One of the main functions of our Parents’ and Guardians’ Association is to help fund some extra resources, activities and facilities for the students in the school.
In order to do this, various events and activities are organised throughout the year. Some examples include:
- Bag-packing in supermarkets
- Clothing collections for clothes banks
- Producing a school calendar for sale
- Table quizzes
- 5k fun runs
Because of the continuous efforts of the Parents’ and Guardians’ Association, they have provided funding for resources and activities such as:
- Purchasing ipads
- Upgrading the whiteboards
- Funding music lessons in the school
- Contributing to bus trips and school outings
- Providing refreshments on Communion, Confirmation & Grandparents Day
- Books
- Toys for the infant room
- Children’s Christmas Parties in Hotel Curracloe with a special visit from Santa, disco, face painting and gifts
- PE Equipment
- BBQ/hot food and an ice-cream van for the school sports day
- School logo development and website redevelopment
The Parents’ and Guardians’ Association always welcome new committee members. Please contact any of the committee members listed above for details on how you can help and visit our website and Twitter feed regularly for upcoming events and fundraisers.
The school very much caters for the individual needs of each child and ensures they feel safe and happy.
Norma Breen Treasurer